Jay, the American accented proprietor of Cardiff Ink, began tattooing back in the USA at a rather tender age of 12, learning the trade from his mom and her fellow tattoo artist buddies.

And quite typically hand in hand the art of body piercing followed.


So, a huge leap from Colorado Springs, with a BA and MA in Fine Art under his belt, to finally settling in Wales, and in 2008 Cardiff Ink was opened on Whitchurch Road in Heath.

He has become a well-known and respected artist. Open and honest, you will find a true artist who cares about what you, the customer, want and what will work, compliment you and be a design that you will always admire and love.



As Jay has been tattooing since 1983 he's a dab hand at building coil machines.


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Looking around the studio you will see where Jay's influences come from. With a passion for art, films, music and the macarbe inspirations for his paintings and tattoo designs.


Pontcanna's One & Only

Tattoo, Body Piercing & Laser Removal Studio